Fabricación de otras cisternas, grandes depósitos y contenedores de metal

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Sabadell - Vallés Occidental (Barcelona - Cataluña)


Fabricación de cisternas, grandes depósitos y contenedores de metal

Productos y servicios

Construccion y mantenimiento de grandes depósitos y calderería gruesa.

Fabricación de otras cisternas, grandes depósitos y contenedores de metal

Fabricación de otras cisternas, grandes depósitos y contenedores de metal

Manufacture of other tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal

The company is primarily engaged in the manufacture and assembly of storage tanks, pipe installations, and turnkey terminals for the chemical and petrochemical industry. It was founded in November of 1981 and has a registered head office located in Sabadell, Spain. Even though it specialises in the construction of storage tanks, the company's business activities as a builder and installer cover a wide range of areas. Among the multitude of activities in which the company, is engaged includes: Turnkey plants and installations; Complete installations of pipeline networks; Coating of carbon steel tanks with stainless steel sheet; Floating screens of aluminium, carbon steel and stainless steel; Aluminium steam chests; and Loading and unloading installations for ships, railways and tanker trucks. Throughout the history of its business activity, the company has manufactured and installed more than 800 carbon steel and stainless steel tanks, which represent more than three million cubic metres of storage space distributed throughout Spain, Europe and the American continent, in addition to many other installations. The company's vision is to become a benchmark company for storage tanks manufacturing, assembly and maintenance and also for distribution of chemical, oil, water, food and fluids in general products.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 6522 - SABADELL (Barcelona)

Tlf: +34 937118211
Fax: +34 937118964

Web: www.emypro.es



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